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Sidney Has No Horses

From the Oglala Sioux Tribe, South Dakota.

While Martine and Nils Jørgen visited the Oglala Lakota land in 2018 they stayed in the home of the spirtual advicer and cermonial leader, Sidney Has No Horses. This man really was a real inspiration and there were told so many exciting stories during this time. Some of the stories had deep connections to the lake, "Wakpamni Lake", close to his home. In this song you can almost feel the spirits watch you from around, see the roaring wind cleanse the air, and hear the singing and dancing of the old ceremonies that is still a deep core of the Oglala Lakota People. Sidney is the great grand son of Chief Frank Fools Crow.  

Wakpamni Lake

A dedication to Sidney Has No Horses from the Oglala Sioux Tribe, South Dakota.
Release date: 5th of July 2024

Recorded and mastered:
Svend Andréen at Klokkereint
Cover design:
Martine Kraft / Alver Kraft
Cover art:
Martine Kraft

10. Wakpamni Lake.png

Martine Kraft
Arrangements and productions:
Sven Andréen og Nils Jørgen Nygaard Kraft

We need to hold hands
We need to stop war
We need to help each others as relatives instead of fighting together
Because the greatest healing that needs to be done
The greatest cure that needs to be done
Is healing grandmother Earth

Mysteries of the Universe
Mysteries of the World
Mysteries that the white man dont ever know yet with their technology

I´m in the greatest classroom in the world

- Sid Has No Horses

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